How do you reduce injuries when your cleaning A Course In Miracles are getting in and out of their cars and walking across ice and snow covered parking lots? Don’t get caught off guard. Pay attention to the weather and encourage your employees to monitor what’s going on outside. Depending on weather conditions, your employees may need to pack a shovel, boots and ice melt. Parking lots and walkways might not be shoveled if it starts snowing after business hours. Following are tips to avoid slipping and falling on the ice: Park close to the building and in well-lit areas so you can see the surface you are walking on. Take your time and pay attention! Take short, flat steps and walk at a slower pace. Wear proper footwear. Boots with rubber treads are a must! Walk on sidewalks and stay off paths that are not maintained in the winter. If there are handrails, use them! Be careful when taking the trash out to dumpsters.

This area may be slippery, and it may not be cleared of snow and ice. Take extra time and care when carrying heavy objects (this includes taking out the trash). Once inside, employees must take extra caution as floors may be wet and slippery from snow and ice falling off shoes and boots. Remind building owners that longer mats will catch more of the ice, snow, ice melt and other debris that people track in on shoes and boots. Train employees to take extra care when driving in winter weather.

They may need extra time driving between buildings, especially if the buildings your company cleans are not close to one another. If you clean buildings after 5:00 p.m., ask the building owner when the parking lot is plowed so employees can move their cars if necessary. No matter if you love or hate winter (and the ice and snow that it brings with it) it’s necessary to slow down and be prepared so you and your employees can avoid becoming one of those winter fall statistics. Take a few moments in your next safety meeting to remind your employees how to be ready to deal with the problems that winter brings with it.

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